
Lourissa Setu, the hottest Affiliate Marketer to watch, is making a comeback in 2023

As the affiliate marketing industry continues to grow rapidly, Setu has been a source of inspiration for many looking to achieve success in this exciting field. With over $6.4 billion in affiliate marketing spending in the US alone, it’s no surprise that people are eagerly awaiting Lourissa Setu’s return to the game.
After a two-year hiatus, she is ready to take the industry by storm once again, and her upcoming endeavours are sure to be closely followed by her fans. She has demonstrated what is possible to achieve in this dynamic industry and how to maximize one’s potential. In her own words “It’s game over”.
As a captivating entrepreneur, Setu is returning to the scene with a flourishing online movement, solidifying her position as one of the hottest affiliate marketers in the game for 2023.

During her time away from the affiliate marketing world, Setu faced financial and emotional challenges, including losses in the crypto market and a breakup with the number one middleweight champion boxer from New Zealand. Despite these setbacks, Setu refused to be deterred and decided to take matters into her own hands.
Partnering with Teghan Keen, Setu founded Prosperity Movement in January 2023, which is already making a significant impact in the industry. Lourissa’s determination and resilience have proven that no obstacle is too great to overcome.
Affiliate marketing enthusiasts can’t wait to see what Setu will achieve in her latest comeback.

To keep up with what is coming for Lourissa and her business partners, follow her on Instagram and TikTok
McClatchy newsroom and editorial staff were not involved in the creation of this content.

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