Discovery Process

Congrats on taking the first few steps to see if this aligns with what it is you are wanting to create for yur future moving forward. You are mostly likely here because you have a deep knowing that you are here for more.. You were meant for more than the current reality that you are living in This has been the vehicle that has changed so many lives around the world and helped thousands of people create financial freedom in their own lives so they can live out a true life by design. In the Discovery Process, this will break down everything for you step by step in an easy-to-understand way. The Offers video will break down the compensation, how this is a step above the rest in terms of a real passive income career path and how we are paid out. Once you have completed all the below you will be able to book in a 1:1 Discovery call with Lourissa Setu where she can support you in how you would like to start and any questions you may have around how it works in more detail. See you on the other side!

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